Os Argentinos são bons em filme, os Zucas em craft e os Tugas? Qual é o USP do criativo português?
Essa pergunta é para queijinho.
Acho que somos um povo criativo ainda por definir, como tantos. Como é a criatividade eslovena? E a austríaca? E a turca? A procura dessa identidade pode tornar-nos mais fortes, sem dúvida. Se somos um país de poetas, talvez pudéssemos apostar mais na palavra. Se somos nostálgicos e fadistas, podíamos pôr mais dessa alma nas histórias que contamos. Se somos desenrascados e não temos dinheiro, talvez possamos ser os que fazem muito com pouco, ideias guerrilheiras, provocadoras, inesperadas, experimentais. Mas para isso precisamos de um atrevimento que não costuma definir-nos. Se somos bons artesãos, talvez pudéssemos trazer mais desse lado artístico para o trabalho.
Também somos um país com uma qualidade de vida invejável, sobretudo para quem não depende de um salário português. Essa poderá ser um USP a explorar, agora que sabemos que é possível trabalhar desde qualquer lugar. Podemos ser o país para onde vêm morar os bons criativos. Mas era bom sermos mais do que o Airbnb dos criativos do resto do mundo. Ou talvez sejamos isto tudo junto e não precisemos de um USP.
The Argentinians are good at TVCs, the Brazilians in craft, what about the Portuguese? What is our USP?
This is a tough question.
I think we are a creative country yet to be defined, like many others.
How is Slovenian creativity? And the Austrian? And the Turkish one? The search for this identity can make us stronger, no doubt. Since we are a country of poets maybe we could wager more on words. Since we are nostalgic and fado singers, maybe we could put more of that soul in the stories we tell. Since we are problem-solvers and we don’t have money, maybe we can be the ones who do a lot with little, guerrilla ideas, provocative, unexpected, experimental. But for that we need boldness which is something that normally doesn’t define us. Since we are good craftsmen, maybe we could bring more from this artistic side to our work.
We are also a country with an enviable quality of life, especially for those who do not depend on a Portuguese salary. This could be a USP to explore, now that we know it is possible to work from any place. We can be the country where good creatives come to live. But it would be good to be more than the Airbnb of creatives from the rest of the world. Or maybe we are everything I mentioned and we don't need a USP.
I think we are a creative country yet to be defined, like many others.
How is Slovenian creativity? And the Austrian? And the Turkish one? The search for this identity can make us stronger, no doubt. Since we are a country of poets maybe we could wager more on words. Since we are nostalgic and fado singers, maybe we could put more of that soul in the stories we tell. Since we are problem-solvers and we don’t have money, maybe we can be the ones who do a lot with little, guerrilla ideas, provocative, unexpected, experimental. But for that we need boldness which is something that normally doesn’t define us. Since we are good craftsmen, maybe we could bring more from this artistic side to our work.
We are also a country with an enviable quality of life, especially for those who do not depend on a Portuguese salary. This could be a USP to explore, now that we know it is possible to work from any place. We can be the country where good creatives come to live. But it would be good to be more than the Airbnb of creatives from the rest of the world. Or maybe we are everything I mentioned and we don't need a USP.
Qual é a tua campanha/ideia Portuguesa preferida?
Dos últimos meses, gostei muito da Uncancel Collection, uma ideia para vender merchandising de eventos cancelados durante a pandemia e ajudar os profissionais da União Audiovisual. É oportuna, tem um impacto positivo, um bom conceito, bem executada, teve resultados. Deu para ter inveja da boa.
Campanha preferida de sempre? Há tantas. De recordação espontânea, sem ir ao Google: a pequena demonstração da Microsoft, os carros que encolhem da Smart e os primeiros anos da Yorn. E das ideias portuguesas feitas lá fora: o Unhate do Paulo Martins para a Benetton, Guns with History do João Coutinho, o último quadradinho da Milka do Miguel Durão e o Real Beauty Sketches do Hugo Veiga para a Dove.
What’s your favourite Portuguese idea/campaign?
From the past few months, I really liked the Uncancel Collection, an idea to sell merchandising of events that got canceled during the pandemic to help professionals of the Audiovisual Union. It’s timely, has a positive impact, a good concept, well executed and had results. It brought me good envy. Favorite campaign ever? There are so many. From memory, without googling it: the small demonstration of Microsoft, the cars that shrink from Smart and the early years of Yorn. And from the Portuguese ideas created abroad: Unhate for Benetton by Paulo Martins, João Coutinho's Guns with History, Miguel Durão's last Milka Square and Hugo Veiga's Real Beauty Sketches for Dove.
Com quem gostarias de trabalhar um dia?
O único lugar onde sonhei trabalhar um dia foi na Pixar. Se não der com a Pixar, pode ser com o Ricky Gervais ou com a Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Também gostava de trabalhar com a Laura Visco, da 72 and Sunny. Gosto do trabalho dela para marcas grandes e difíceis, como Axe e Coca-Cola, e também gosto dos projectos pessoais dela.
Who would you like to work with one day?
The only place I ever dreamed of working was at Pixar. If it doesn't work out with Pixar, it could be Ricky Gervais or Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I would also like to work with Laura Visco, from 72 and Sunny. I like her work for big and difficult brands, like Axe and Coca-Cola, and I also like her personal projects.
Que marcas portuguesas admiras pela sua comunicação?
Marcas que trazem algo que é verdade e que as pessoas valorizam. Algumas preferidas: o Esporão e o seu Mais.Devagar. O Licor Beirão, por ser popular e atrevido, sem complexos. A Super Bock, por fazer comunicação de cerveja que não é vazia. A Compal, por se ter tornado sinónimo de fruta.
Which portuguese brands do you admire for its advertising?
Brands that bring something that is true and that people value. Some favorites: Esporão and its Mais.Devagar. Licor Beirão, for being popular and daring, without complexes. Super Bock, for communicating beer with meaning. And Compal, for becoming a synonym of fruit.
Que marca Portuguesa gostavas de mudar?
A Matrizauto. Gostava que não me ferissem os ouvidos sempre que ligo a rádio. E gostava de trabalhar para uma marca de informação. De preferência o Público.
Which Portuguese brand would you like to change?
Matrizauto. I wish they didn't make my ears bleed every time I turn on the radio. And I would like to work for a news/information broadcasting brand. Preferably the newspaper Público.
O que mudarias no mercado de trabalho Português?
Acho que temos algum medo ou vergonha de falar de assuntos que importam às pessoas. Não sei como se muda isso.
Também era bom termos um mercado de freelancers mais sénior, mais diverso, mais rico e mais bem pago. As agências ganhariam, porque as estruturas hoje são enxutas. E ganhariam os criativos, porque seriam procurados pelo que sabem fazer melhor. Mas isso não se consegue pagando 100 euros brutos por dia, tenho essa noção. E isso também não sei como se muda.
What would you like to change in the Portuguese ad scene?
I think we have some fear or shame of talking about issues that matter to people. I don't know how to change that.
It would also be good to have a more senior, more diverse, richer and better paid freelance market. The agencies would win, because the structures today are lean. And the creatives would win, because they would be sought after for what they know how to do best. But that is not possible by paying 100 euros gross per day. And I don't know how to change it either.
It would also be good to have a more senior, more diverse, richer and better paid freelance market. The agencies would win, because the structures today are lean. And the creatives would win, because they would be sought after for what they know how to do best. But that is not possible by paying 100 euros gross per day. And I don't know how to change it either.
O que falta para tornar o mercado criativo Português mais global?
Falta termos marcas nacionais com ambições globais, seja porque exportam, seja porque têm mundo e estão alinhadas com o que as pessoas pensam e querem hoje.
Ou então falta sermos um paraíso fiscal para as multinacionais,
mas isso espero que não aconteça.
What’s needed to make the Portuguese creative market more global?
There is a lack of national brands with global ambitions, either because they export, or because they’re aligned with what people think and want today. Or else we need to be a tax haven for multinationals, but I hope that doesn’t happen.
Em Portugal, existe uma enorme discrepância nos salários entre criativos. Achas que o clube pode ter um papel para fomentar a igualdade/
transparência salarial?
No Clube, trabalhamos para valorizar o talento manifestado. Isso passa por lhe dar visibilidade, o que pode trazer uma melhoria salarial ou mais ofertas de trabalho.
Acho que trabalhamos num mercado que terá sempre assimetrias salariais por ser um mercado de talento: quando pões bons trabalhos na rua, o teu valor como profissional sobe. Este é um mercado liberal, é um pouco como o futebol. Quem joga melhor e mais bonito é natural que tenha melhores ofertas.
Mas talvez a vossa pergunta seja mais sobre injustiças salariais, sobre existir trabalho que não é pago ou que é pago injustamente. Aí sim, o clube pode ter um papel, e tenta tê-lo, ainda que de uma forma informal. Junto com o projecto Zona II, por exemplo, acabamos de lançar um pacto e pedimos às agências e estúdios que são sócios do CCP para o assinar. Nesse pacto, comprometemo-nos como empresas a pagar o salário justo e compatível com a função desempenhada por todos os que começam a trabalhar na profissão. O trabalho não pago não pode existir, a discriminação salarial de qualquer tipo não pode existir. O CCP fará o que puder para estar desse lado da barricada, exercendo a sua influência.
Mas também é preciso entender que há uma discrepância salarial que é sobretudo histórica. Ela vem das duas realidades que convivem no nosso mercado: a dos salários mais antigos, de quando se ganhava muito bem, antes da crise de 2007/2008, e a dos salários mais recentes, esmagados também pelo empobrecimento da actividade, que são os salários de uma geração mais nova para quem é difícil ter perspectivas.
Para garantir melhores condições a uma nova geração que começou a trabalhar depois da crise, acho que só há duas saídas: criar valor no que fazemos todos os dias, e fazermo-nos cobrar pelo valor que trazemos.
In Portugal, there’s a huge discrepancy in salaries between creatives. Do you think CCP can play a role in promoting wage equality/
At the Club, we work to value talent. This involves giving them visibility, which can lead to better wages or more job offers.
I think we work in a market that will always have salary asymmetries because it is a talent market: when you put good work on the street, your value as a professional goes up. This is a liberal market, it is a bit like football. Whoever plays better will naturally get better offers.
But perhaps your question is more about injustice in wages, about non-paid or unfairly paid work. In regards to that, the Club can have a role, and tries to have, in an informal way. Together with the Zona II project, for example, we have just launched an agreement and asked agencies and studios that are CCP partners to sign it. In this pact, they must commit to pay a fair wage that is compatible with the role performed by all those who start working in the profession. Unpaid work cannot exist, wage discrimination of any kind cannot exist. The CCP will do what it can to be on that side of the barricade, exercising its influence.
But it is also necessary to understand, that there is a wage discrepancy that is above all historical. It comes from the two realities that coexist in our market: that of the oldest wages, from when the earnings were very good, before the crisis of 2007/2008, and that of the most recent wages, crushed by the impoverishment of the activity, which are a younger generation for whom it is difficult to have prospects.
To guarantee better conditions for a new generation that started working after the crisis, I think there are only two ways out: create value in what we do every day, and charge for the value we bring.
I think we work in a market that will always have salary asymmetries because it is a talent market: when you put good work on the street, your value as a professional goes up. This is a liberal market, it is a bit like football. Whoever plays better will naturally get better offers.
But perhaps your question is more about injustice in wages, about non-paid or unfairly paid work. In regards to that, the Club can have a role, and tries to have, in an informal way. Together with the Zona II project, for example, we have just launched an agreement and asked agencies and studios that are CCP partners to sign it. In this pact, they must commit to pay a fair wage that is compatible with the role performed by all those who start working in the profession. Unpaid work cannot exist, wage discrimination of any kind cannot exist. The CCP will do what it can to be on that side of the barricade, exercising its influence.
But it is also necessary to understand, that there is a wage discrepancy that is above all historical. It comes from the two realities that coexist in our market: that of the oldest wages, from when the earnings were very good, before the crisis of 2007/2008, and that of the most recent wages, crushed by the impoverishment of the activity, which are a younger generation for whom it is difficult to have prospects.
To guarantee better conditions for a new generation that started working after the crisis, I think there are only two ways out: create value in what we do every day, and charge for the value we bring.